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Poster The Impatient Years (1944)

The Impatient Years (1944)

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  6.3 /10   By 5 Votes

overview : Standing before a divorce court judge are Sergeant Andy Anderson and Janie Anderson asking him to dissolve their marriage. Janie's father, William Smith, objects and the judge allows him to give his version of their story. They had met in San Francisco fifteen months earlier and, after knowing each other only three days, had gotten married. Andy was sent overseas the day after the wedding and when he returns and despite the fact that Janie had borne him a son, they find they are almost strangers. Mr. Smith suggests, and the judge orders, that if they retrace their actions over the four days they knew each other they would regain their love.

Release Date : Sep 10, 1944

Runtime : 1h 31m

Genre : Comedy  Romance  Drama  

Companies : Columbia Pictures

Countries : United States of America

Keywords : judge, marriage, divorce

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